
Sabre Dance by Les Fradkin #Instrumental #Rock #ProgressiveRock referred by #MusicSubmit #ASCAP #Bailey #Colorado #CO

  Artist Biography Les Fradkin is a Producer and Composer. Midi Guitarist, 12 String Bassist and Guitarist, Multi Instrumentalist, and One M...

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Secret formula "For Grey Hair" by Oto Sova Helps Reduce Grey Hair

Physician Oto Sova’s secret formula, For Grey Hair, is the product of his 
lifelong research and helps reduce grey hair.

Oto Sova studied in scientific centers in Europe and was a student of eminent Nobel Prize winners. In 1967 he studied in Cambridge with prof. Fred Sanger, in 1969 in Madrid with prof. Severo Ochoa, and in 1974 in Uppsala, Sweden with prof. Stellana Hjerténa.

He has 49 patents and has authored 90 scientific studies and 6 monographs. He is the founder and head of the research institute BOOS Biological Substances.

The secret formula was developed with a highly professional team of scientists. He has been dealing with the grey hair problem since 1996. He realized that the greying process is due to the oxidation of the pigment melanin. Melanin in oxidized form has no color. When it passes into the hair, the cells at the roots produce catalase. They remove Oxygen from the melanin molecules and give them a color. Oxygen causes the hair to turn grey.

With aging, stress, or disease, the cells get damaged. The colorless melanin flows in the hair and gives it a grey color. Dr. Sova turned to Nature for solving this problem. He used reducing enzymes to get rid of Oxygen, and as a result, the hair retained the original color. After some time, the hair became grey again as the enzymes had no place to transfer the Oxygen. So, to minimize the Oxygen, silver acetate was added in a small amount. It led to the development of For Grey Hair, a colorless, watery solution. It returns the original hair color of the person effectively and safely.

For more details, visit www.forgreyhair.co.uk or www.forgreyhair.com.

About For Grey Hair
Physician and biochemist Oto Sova, M.D., Ph.D. founder of For Grey Hair, developed a colorless solution that returns the original hair color of the person.

Rasti Miklovic
Boos Trade s.r.o.
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